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Welcome to Angels Inn

Welcome to young ones and seniors in our cottage "Angels' Inn" in Coutevroult !

Congratulations ! You have chosen the winning trio selecting the cottage "Angels'Inn" to Coutevroult !

Disneyland Paris to stay young and dream !

Paris to eat well and fall in love !

Champagne Region to let your eyes sparkle with joy with a drink in your hand !

Disneyland Magic operates at all ages !

Upon arrival, we welcome you with a surprise in our cottage "Angels' Inn" in Coutevroult in Seine et Marne !

Everything is included in the price you will have no extra requested, no nasty surprises.

Do not forget to bring an extra bag because it will be well stocked for the return with Disney's Souvenirs for children, the Champagne, the Coulommiers cheese, the Brie cheese of Meaux and many other things.

Anouchka will be very pleased to welcome you throughout the year in her cottage "Angels'Inn" in Coutevroult.

Around the cottage
A day at the cottage